Testimonials |
"When Ineeded money, I turned to Russell & Tate. Their professionaldemeanor, unparalleled understanding of the complexities ofpersonal injury law, and their ability to get my money all mademe happy."
-Nancy R.,Skokie, IL.
"Russellproved invincible in the courtroom - after my BMW's door pinchedmy finger and ripped my nail, he got a jury to find BMW liablefor my pain and suffering... and Tate did my taxes that year. Imean, these guys do it all!"
-Alex W.,Garden City, NY.
"When one ofour clients refused to pay their bill, we hired Russell &Tate to get our money. Their singular commitment to that goal gotus our money - we now refer all of our personal injury work toRussell & Tate!"
-Wayne D.,Dewey Cheatem & Howe, New York, NY.
"I needed$500,000. Without asking why, Russell & Tate went to work.Within two months, we had sued my dentist, my personal trainer,and my accountant. To my surprise, Russell & Tate got mymoney - and they got a loyal client in the process!"
-Susan P.,Minneapolis, MN.
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