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Hutchins, Wheeler & Dittmar, A Professional Corporation
Content: 5Presentation: 7Experience: 5Total: 17
Content: CPresentation: BExperience: CTotal: C

Here's a new concept. We'll present our website as it is were a folder of files. How novel - not! Inside, the tired cliche continues, wrapped in one of the worst frames presentations we've ever seen. Frames are bad for many reasons. Screen real estate is wasted, bookmark-friendly titles are generally ignored, and pages are difficult (if not impossible) to print or bookmark. Perhaps that's why teeny tiny photographs are used in the attorney profiles. This design is dreadful. It feels as if the content is screaming to get out. Plus each page has to reload because the framesets vary from page to page, thus defeating one of the few advantages of frames (not having to have certain frames reload). And we'd suggest renaming the "Statement on Discrimination" to "Statement on Equal Opportunity" or the like.

Reviews: 1999


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