| Stop the world I want to get off! Or at least stop the dizzying spinning globe on the home page! Mouse-over graphics and text effects are used on the home page, but the text elements are too wide for even a 600x800 monitor. We've yet to see mouseover text elements used in a value-added manner. The "What's New" section included information that was six months old. The "Attorney Directory" page automatically loads the names, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of all of the firm's attorneys, which is annoying if you're looking for just one. Attorney profiles use the narrative style effectively, but we were annoyed by the fact that each profile loaded in a new window. But where's the beef? No newsletters, no articles, no substantive content to be found. We looked really hard and found a trademark FAQ, copyright FAQ, and patent FAQ under the intellectual property section, and also some content in the insurance law area. We're guessing not many folks will return to this site. |