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Written by RedStreet founders Erik J. Heels and Richard P. Klau, the book RedStreet's Best Legal Websites 2000 includes the research methodology, analysis, and statistics behind the reviews; detailed scores in 50 categories for the nation's largest 300 law firms; and details about the best website designers.


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Manatt, Phelps & Phillips
Content: 5Presentation: 8Experience: 5Total: 18
Content: CPresentation: BExperience: CTotal: C

The home page gives users the option of two home pages. One "Frames Based, Java Enhanced," the other "Mostly Text, No-Frames Version." We tried the former, which included a link to an intriguing ""Feature Story." On the day we visited, the "Feature Story" was entitled "In Personam Jurisdiction on the Internet," and the topic was covered in depth with footnotes. The what's new section appears to load stories dynamically from a back end database (via some Java code called newsbreaker), but the scrolling presentation is gratuitous. And when we turned Java off, the story did not appear. Not exactly the desired functionality. Inside, a the site uses three-frames presentation, which adds little to the site. For example, it takes far too many clicks in this presentation to get to any real information. Introductory frames are taken up with graphics that add nothing to the site. Don't get us wrong, the graphics are very nice, but when they are presented instead of the underlying text content that we're trying to get to, we get annoyed. Several attorney profiles were 404, and others lacked the look and feel of the rest of the site. There is a search engine, but input and output are confusing. And for the amount of time we spent at this site, it was surprisingly difficult to figure out the areas of law in which this firm practices.

Reviews: 1999 | 1998 | 1997
Museum:1999 | 1998 | 1997


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