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A-Rated by RedStreet

Behind The Reviews
Written by RedStreet founders Erik J. Heels and Richard P. Klau, the book RedStreet's Best Legal Websites 2000 includes the research methodology, analysis, and statistics behind the reviews; detailed scores in 50 categories for the nation's largest 300 law firms; and details about the best website designers.


Website Audits
Unhappy with your current website?  See why NLJ 250 law firms are hiring RedStreet to conduct in-depth audits of their current sites.  Some have called our audits "an essential first step" in the redesign process.

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Gray Cary Ware & Freidenrich
Content: 9Presentation: 9Experience: 8Total: 26
Content: APresentation: AExperience: BTotal: A

The home page image uses an abstract design to call your attention to certain elements. It works, though it'll take a while to load: the image is over 70k (we think a functional limit is 30-50k, which will load in just under 30 seconds on a 28.8 modem). While large graphics were the only option a year or two ago, web design tools have allowed for more precise placement of images - which has freed designers up from having to use one large image and can instead break the image up into its component parts. Doing so here would reduce the total file size and would allow the page to load more evenly (images would load concurrently, instead of the big image loading, line by line). The "Feature of the Month" is a great technique - not only does it reinforce that the site is updated frequently, but it provides a reason for casual visitors to return from time to time. The abstract design is carried out throughout the site - and it works well. It's different, and it looks good. The attorney directory is well done. Search results produce a nice snapshot of the results - so if you're looking for just a phone number or e-mail address, you'll find it without having to load the entire bio. Attorney bios themselves are inconsistent - some have pictures and contact info while others have neither. The Journal of Internet Law is also worth checking out - edited at the firm, the articles are first-rate.

Reviews: 1999 | 1998 | 1997
Museum:1999 | 1998 | 1997


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