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Behind The Reviews
Written by RedStreet founders Erik J. Heels and Richard P. Klau, the book RedStreet's Best Legal Websites 2000 includes the research methodology, analysis, and statistics behind the reviews; detailed scores in 50 categories for the nation's largest 300 law firms; and details about the best website designers.


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Foster Pepper & Shefelman
Content: 8Presentation: 7Experience: 5Total: 20
Content: BPresentation: BExperience: CTotal: B

I don't know which cliche is more frustrating: the splash screen that communicates no information, or the scrolling text Java applet that simply scrolls the text - verbatim - that appears directly above it. Did they think reading it in scrolling form would be easier than reading the entire paragraph? Though the site uses frames, the frames are sized appropriately, leaving plenty of room for the actual content. Contact info is all on the same page (the indirectly titled "About Our Offices" - why not "Contact Info"?), and attorney profiles are laid out well. We especially liked the drop-down bar that appears in the top frame allowing you to restrict the listing to individual offices. (This drop-down bar appears in other sections as well, and provides additional functionality without taking up any additional space. A very nice touch.) Practice group descriptions are lengthy. Newsletters are good, and relatively recent. Overall functionality is good - and the page layout is innovative (the frame on the right with the secondary navigation bar in the top frame) and effective. Losing a few of the cliches on the front pages would improve the overall experience quite a bit.

Reviews: 1999 | 1998 | 1997
Museum:1999 | 1998 | 1997


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