| A mixed bag awaits at bryancavellp.com. Uniformly excellent practice group descriptions include information about the group, the name and e-mail address of the attorney responsible for the area, and a link to a list of attorneys that practice in that group. This is exactly how prospective clients would want to see the information: read a little about it to see if it's relevant to the prospect's business, and then maybe send an e-mail to the responsible attorney. Or maybe you want to see how many attorneys practice in the area, and how many are associates versus how many are partners. Once you pull up the attorney listings, however, the results are less impressive. While contact info is included, precious little detail about the attorneys is provided. One partner's listing, in fact, had "N/A" listed under "Prior experience." Huh? What message does that send? Graphically, the site is average. The "Bryan Cave LLP" background watermark gets distracting after a while, and is unnecessary. There is no original content to speak of, and most page titles are missing "Titles" (in the HTML code) - which means that instead of a descriptive page title, the viewer gets a long URL... not user-friendly. |