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Written by RedStreet founders Erik J. Heels and Richard P. Klau, the book RedStreet's Best Legal Websites 2000 includes the research methodology, analysis, and statistics behind the reviews; detailed scores in 50 categories for the nation's largest 300 law firms; and details about the best website designers.


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Saul, Ewing, Remick & Saul
Content: 4Presentation: 3Experience: 3Total: 10
Content: DPresentation: DExperience: DTotal: D

Someone at this firm likes gadgets. Here's an embedded MIDI file on the home page (we guess it's kind of like Muzak in the elevator, but is that really a good thing?), and they invite you to watch a two-minute presentation about the firm. We were intrigued, until we found out that we had to download a 9 megabyte program (Astound Multimedia Presenter) in order to view it. We passed. The rest of the site is OK, although the graphics strike us as hokey (an overly large file cabinet with color-coded file tabs represents the main sections of the site) and aren't exactly representative of a "major law firm" (the quote is from their home page). Beyond the home page, the layout is inconsistent: backgrounds are included on some pages, omitted on others. The HTML is pretty basic, leading to a less-than-polished feel that is at odds with the gadget-laden home page. Layout of the attorney bios is very basic - pure text and minimal narrative. Navigation is not simple, with most pages offering only an option of returning to the home page. Why doesn't anyone put dates on their articles?

Reviews: 1999 | 1998 | 1997
Museum:1999 | 1998 | 1997


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