|  |  | FIRM OVERVIEW LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene & MacRae, L.L.P. is one of the world's leading law firms. With more than 700 lawyers practicing in 15 U.S. offices and in eight countries overseas,we can bring tremendous resources to the service of our clients. In both our practice and our culture, we think LeBoeuf is unique among major multinational law firms.
firm overview | offices | articles | what's new | recruiting information

 |  | PRACTICE AREAS Attorneys work in over thirty practice areas providing a broad spectrum of legal services to major corporations, start-up ventures, and individuals active in a wide range of businesses, including regulated industries, financial and banking services, telecommunications and transportation.
insurance | corporate & finance energy & utilities | litigation other practice areas
 |   |  | NEW MEDIA / HIGH TECHNOLOGY One of the firm's growing practice areas involves advising and representing businesses in interactive media, including content creation and distribution, entertainment, online services, Internet and Intranet businesses, and issues related to high technology, including software and Year 2000 issues. new media /high technology Y2K / year 2000 | media practice | Visit LeBoeuf's InsureLegal.com web site. InsureLegal.com contains articles addressing up-to-the-minute issues in the insurance industry with a new article every month. 
