
The Road
"The truth needs to be told

about our drunk driving laws.

The average citizen has no

idea what the drunk driving

laws really say and how

serious the penalities

have become."

DUI Defense

M a r c h   1 9 9 8
"Politics or Due Process?" Here is the perspective of Jon Scott Fox, a leadingDUI defense attorney.
DUI News
Tougher DUI Laws in 1998
Governor guts legislation with line-item veto and sets up constitutionalchallenge to new penalties.
Real Stories
Mary Alexander says the police knew she was drunk and let her drive.Then, she had an accident. Can she sue the cops for not arresting her?
The Arrest
Questions an experienced DUI attorney will ask you if you are arrested for DUI in Washington State.
Q & A
Answers to common questions on DUI laws, procedures, finding a lawyer and costs.
Contact Jon Scott Fox
Describe your case to a leading DUIdefense attorney.

Collaborative Media, Inc

Copyright © 1996, 1997 Jon Scott Fox
1621 114th SE    Suite 210    Bellevue, WA     98004
Ph: (425) 451-1995    Fax: (425) 451-3820    E-Mail: